Иноязычная информационная деятельность студентов на иностранном языке в непрофильном вузе: профессиональный курс - page 82

How does energy supply actually affect the human daily live?
What are major aspects of the fast increase of the energy consumption?
How do you understand “energy saving”?
Why are we concerned about power quality?
Prepare and present an article including an abstract and key words.
Follow the stages
Identify resources. They can be different: the Internet, the library, your
experiments, books, articles, statistical data, interviews, surveys, documents
etc. Prepare a bibliography. Include at least 10 sources of information you
need for your article
Write an outline. This plan assists in building your article and ensures a
logical flow of ideas
Move on to writing your article. Study and use the approximate
structure of technical articles
An approximate structure for your technical paper should look as follows
The title of a techinical article is usualla a long phrase that contains
keywords and indicates the content of the article.
Author By-line
This section includes the name of the author followed by institutional
Abstract and Keywords
It focuses key facts, observations,, results and conclusions. The
information in this part should be unique.
The main part of a technical article begins with an introduction that
introduces the readers to the research work under discussion. It may include a
description of the problem, aims and objectives of the research, the importance
of the work under discussion.
It may involve an objective description of the methods of data collection,
the procedures fro investigating the problem.
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