Иноязычная информационная деятельность студентов на иностранном языке в непрофильном вузе: профессиональный курс - page 85

Electrotechnological Installations and Systems
Electro technological plants are a type of technological plants in which
electric energy is converted into other types of energy with simultaneous
implementation of technological processes.
Professional training includes the development, operation and repair of
electrical equipment for various purposes, the theory of automatic control,
microprocessor technology, modeling and creation of robotic electrical
complexes, and the choice of optimal power supply modes for electrical
technological equipment.
Main concepts:
development, creation and operation of high electrical technologies -
galvanics, laser, plasma, electron beam, microwave, induction, electro thermal,
electrolysis, electric welding, etc.
Electromechanical systems of autonomous objects
The electrical equipment of the autonomous object is a complex
consisting of an autonomous power plant, a power supply system, powerful
microprocessor control systems and a wide range of electricity consumers.
Main concepts:
designing and creating modern electrical equipment and automation
systems for autonomous objects (dry cargo ships, tankers, floating power
plants, high-speed hydrofoil vessels, warships, autonomous coastal objects,
Electrical Equipment of Cars
Electrical equipment is an important part of the modern car, since it
provides the generation and distribution of electricity, stabilizing its parameters,
as well as controlling the operation of ICE, gearbox, transmission and other
systems, creates comfortable conditions for the driver and passengers (climate
systems, electric windows, adjustable and heated seats, etc.), ensures traffic
Main concepts:
design and maintenance of automotive electrical equipment systems.
Industrial electronics and microprocessor technology
Electronic devices of varying complexity are widely used in almost all
industries, transport, military equipment, everyday life, etc.
The object of activity of graduates of the profile "Industrial Electronics
and Microprocessor Technology" is the development and operation of power
semiconductor converters of electric energy parameters for electric power
systems, electrical technology, transport, etc.
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