Иноязычная информационная деятельность студентов на иностранном языке в непрофильном вузе: профессиональный курс - page 47

No doubt, the importance that people attribute to electricity is that it
makes possible so many other inventions.
Edison made only one purely scientific discovery regarding the strange
force we call electricity. That discovery, appropriately called the Edison Effect,
involves the flow of electricity across a vacuum. Edison patented the discovery
but could find no use for it and went on to other things. The Edison Effect
turned out to be the basis of what we now call the electronics industry: radio,
television, computers, and video cassette recorders.
Today electricity continues to occupy centre stage in the creation of new
In light of today’s challenges, electricity is not simply a great invention. It
is a miracle fuel: a highly efficient energy source that’s clean at point of use,
that helps cut atmospheric carbon dioxide, and that can be controlled to
hairbreadth levels of precision.
Someone once said that efficiency means doing things right and
effectiveness means doing the right thing. I say the key to both is electricity.
The fuel of the future.
Read the article and underline the important parts. Read
the article again and list the main ideas below
Main idea of paragraph 1:
Main idea of paragraph 2:
Main idea of paragraph 3:
Combine the main ideas to write your summary. Be sure you
paraphrase what the author says, using your own words and summarizing
You are going to watch the video «The power of Electricity» and take
notes on it. You will use them to summarize the information and discuss it
Watch the video
carefully and take some notes
Review your notes
Watch the video again. Rework your notes if necessary. Fill in any
gaps if you miss something
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