Lab report is a formal write-up of an experiment and what was
discovered during the experiment. Typically, lab reports present data, discuss
results, and provide conclusions. Some lab reports also describe the
experiment and the procedures followed. As a student, lab experiments
provide you with hands-on experience. Writing about your work in a lab then
forces you to think logically about your data.
Report your scientific experiment's results
You are doing laboratory work. The purpose of your lab work is to study
basic physical phenomenon by measuring its quantity. Your tasks are:
to identify what basic physical phenomenon you wish to study;
to choose a device for measuring the quantity. Search for the information
on its structure, principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages;
to carry out an experiment, record data, analyze it;
to present the results of your work in the form of a written lab report
following the typical structure of a lab report;
to prepare an oral presentation of your findings. Use the Power Point
Presentation slides as a visual aid;
to discuss your findings with your groupmates.
Lab reports, like other kinds of writing, have an organized format. The
typical structure of a lab report is shown in the table 2
Title page
Make sure that it is informative.
It briefly defines the problem, your approach, and your
conclusion. You should write it after completing the project.
In any experiment, you aim to do something. For example, to
verify, to investigate, to measure.
!the present simple is used to state the aim
Introduce your topic in detail and describe how the paper relates
to your problem statement. It should tell the reader of the
importance of your topic. Therefore, it is crucial to use the right
words and ensure that you provide the relevant details.
This is where you describe what you actually did. This includes
how the data was collected, any experimental difficulties you
encountered and how you resolved or overcame them.
! the past tense because you are reporting on a past activity; the
passive voice when reporting what you did.