Иноязычная информационная деятельность студентов на иностранном языке в непрофильном вузе: профессиональный курс - page 20

hydrogen and oxygen. Because pure water does not conduct well, sulphuric
acid has to be added before the electrolysis takes place.
5. A current flowing through a conductor creates a magnetic field around
it. This
has three applications. It can magnetize magnetic materials and
attract them to the conductor. The electric relay works on this principle. If the
magnetic field is cut by another conductor, an electromotive force will be
induced in that conductor.
For instance,
the change in current flowing through
the primary of a transformer will induce a current in the secondary. This
principle is also used in generators. Thirdly, if a current-carrying conductor is
placed in the magnetic field, a force will be exerted on it. This effect is utilized
in the
electric motor
Give English or Russian equivalents to the following words or word
тепловой, световой, to heat, уменьшать, a fan, по этой причине,
нагревательный эффект, to generate, нить накала электрической лампочки,
to emit, лампа с парами ртути, разделять, a chemical compound, чистая
вода, серная кислота, магнитное поле, application, реле, to induce, for
instance, первичная обмотка трансформатора, генератор.
Find and underline words in the text from the list. Try to work out
the meaning of the words from context
to vary
to take place
according to
to utilize
The text in mind, are the words in bold significant to the topic?
Explain why
Determine the key terms in the topic “The effects of an electric
Look through the text again. Are there any conditionals in the text? If
yes, underline them with a wavy line. Determine the type and explain the
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