Иноязычная информационная деятельность студентов на иностранном языке в непрофильном вузе: профессиональный курс - page 17

What is an electric current?
What did G. S. Ohm find?
What is voltage?
How do electrons flow through a conductor?
What makes electrons move through a conductor?
What is resistance?
Explain the relationship between the number of free electrons in the
conductor and its resistance.
10. What does the resistance of a conductor depend on?
11. How does the resistance of a conductor depend on:
the material of which the conductor is made,
the cross-section,
the length and
the temperature?
12. What does the symbol “I” stand for?
13. What is the intensity of the current determined by?
14. State Ohm’s law.
Look through the topic again; take notes to the key terms
Create a mind map “ELECTRIC CURRENT” using pen and paper
or an online mind mapping tool (Mindmeister, Xmind, Mindomo, Mind42).
Use new words and topic-related vocabulary
Study some rules for creating a mind map:
1) Write the subject in the center of your paper / canvas.
2) Draw branches that point away from the center. Each branch
symbolizes one thought or idea related to the subject. Use meaningful
keywords to write these ideas onto the branches.
3) From each branch more ideas can branch off. There is no limit to the
number of hierarchical levels in a map.
4) Use colors, icons and images whenever possible. These function as
mental triggers and can help spark new ideas in you, which is important
during brainstorming sessions.
You are asked to give a talk about the electric current (20-25
sentences). Use your mind map for help
What relevant physics laws related to electricity do you
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