Like charges___________________ each other and unlike charges
__________________. Two negatives will __________________ each other. A
________________ and a ________________ will _____________ each other.
The negative terminal of a battery will push _______________ along a
wire. The positive terminal of a battery will _______________________
negative ______________________ along a wire. Electric _______________
will therefore flow from the _______________ terminal of a battery, through
the lamp, to the positive ________________.
Make sentences using the following words. Pay attention to the word
Around, a nucleus, move, tiny electrons.
Is, even, smaller, the atom, particles, of, composed.
Protons, charge, electrons, weight, and, differ, neutrons, in, and.
Cause, the electromotive force, to move through the metal conductor,
the electrons.
Can, heat, a conductor, the electric current.
The circuit, constitute, all these devices and conductors.
To the voltage, is directly proportional, the current.
Before reading, say what you know about
Georg Simon Ohm,
Alessandro Volta and
André Ampère
Read the following text and entitle it
We have already noted that like, or similar charges repel each other,
whereas unlike, or opposite charges attract each other. Thus, charged particles
within a material are in the state of constant movement. But, when some
external forces act on them, these charged particles may be made to move
continuously in the same direction for some time. Such continuous movement is
an electric current.
In 1862, Georg Simon Ohm, a German scientist, first established reliable
and experimentally proved facts about electricity. He found the connection
between the three values on which the transfer of electricity from one end of the
conductor to the other depends. These three values,